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under the spotlight

Image by Руслан Гамзалиев
Screenshot 2023-12-12 at 20-28-15 Vincent_van_Gogh_-_s0273V1962_-_Van_Gogh_Museum.jpg (JPE


Step into the spotlight as we explore remnants of the past, uncovering intriguing objects and timeless artworks. Click on a tile to delve deeper into each story. And let's not forget the man above – Vincent Van Gogh.


Ah, intrepid explorer you're in the realm of the Jackdaw Game! You've already danced past the entrance, blissfully unaware, like a tap-dancing platypus on a quest for wisdom. The coveted link button, your golden ticket to Jackdaw supremacy, awaits on the next page.

But hold your horses! No silver platter here, my curious compatriot. The clue, dear explorer, is right under your nose—in the title. Unleash your inner sleuth, follow the breadcrumbs, and let the game commence.

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