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1714 - 1830

Georgian Era

The Georgian era is a period in British history that encompasses the reigns of four King Georges of the House of Hanover: George I, George II, George III, and George IV. It extends from 1714 to 1830, and it is known for the growth of the British Empire, the emergence of the Industrial Revolution, and the changing attitudes of the time. The Georgian period was a time of great cultural and intellectual flourishing in the United Kingdom. It was a time when the Enlightenment ideals of reason and progress were taking hold, and the arts, sciences, and humanities were thriving.

But let's not forget about the fashion of the Georgian era! The ladies of the time were known for their elaborate and extravagant hairstyles, which often involved towering wigs adorned with ribbons, feathers, and other decorative trinkets. The men of the Georgian period were also known for their love of fashion, with powdered wigs and silk stockings being all the rage. In fact, it was said that a proper Georgian gentleman was not complete without a wig so tall and fluffy that it almost touched the ceiling.

Perhaps the most iconic fashion trend of the Georgian era was the use of snuff. This finely ground tobacco was all the rage among the wealthy elite, who would take a pinch and inhale it through their nostrils to get a quick hit of nicotine. Many would say that a true Georgian gentleman was not complete without a silver snuff box tucked into his pocket.

The Georgian period wasn't just about fashion and frivolousness. It was also a time of great political and social upheaval, with the American Revolution and the French Revolution shaking the foundations of the established order. So, there you have it: a brief (and slightly tongue-in-cheek) overview of the Georgian period. Extravagant hairstyles, fashionable clothing, and the use of snuff were all the rage, while the political and social landscape was undergoing significant change. But hey, at least the Georgian elite had their snuff boxes to help them cope with all the upheaval!

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